Well, I was wrong yesterday. It appears that the Sheepshead bite is a strong as ever. Today I was joined by a few of my regular clients and after waiting around the launch for the weather to clear, we blasted off towards the Pass.
Once we arrived we quickly began to boat fish, The Sheepeshead were biting good on both Shrimp and sand Fleas and seemed to show no preference! There were quite a few boats in the Pass but everyone seemed to be in great spirits and were even shouting encouragements back and forth.. It was a great experience and another wonderful day. Final count for the day was 30 Sheepshead, 2 Black drum a few Spanish and Andrew managed to land two really nice Bull reds. They were his first ever Bulls and he later informed me they were his biggest fish ever!
I want to thank the Guys for joining me for another day on the water and I hope I have another chance to fish with you again..
.................... See you out there
Once we arrived we quickly began to boat fish, The Sheepeshead were biting good on both Shrimp and sand Fleas and seemed to show no preference! There were quite a few boats in the Pass but everyone seemed to be in great spirits and were even shouting encouragements back and forth.. It was a great experience and another wonderful day. Final count for the day was 30 Sheepshead, 2 Black drum a few Spanish and Andrew managed to land two really nice Bull reds. They were his first ever Bulls and he later informed me they were his biggest fish ever!
I want to thank the Guys for joining me for another day on the water and I hope I have another chance to fish with you again..
.................... See you out there
Capt. Brad King
South Again Charters LLC
Inshore/Nearshore Charters
Capt. Brad King
South Again Charters LLC
Inshore/Nearshore Charters